2 year sleep regression

Posted by Tara Mitchell on

 Hey loves well here’s a super important email if your little ones is coming upto or is around 2. Cognitive and emotional development during this stage can really influence sleep. Language development, imaginative play, and newfound fears may contribute to disrupted sleep. There are another few reason sleep can really be rocked at 2.  Increased Independence: As toddlers become more independent, they may test boundaries around sleep routines. This newfound autonomy can lead to bedtime resistance or delays. Shifts in sleep needs and awake times. 

Key Advice for Parents:

  1. Consistency is Key: Maintain a consistent bedtime routine to provide predictability and certainty. If your little one suddenly starts really pushing back on bedtime it may be that they need more support BUT try to offer comfort not get into any new habits of totally putting them to sleep.
  2. More awake time: Trial more awake time, little ones around 2 may need 5.5 and even up to 6 hours awake time.
  3. Establish Clear Boundaries: Set clear expectations around bedtime routine, for example 2 books only, a drink offering, 2 teddys etc.Reinforce boundaries calmly and consistently. Toddlers may test limits and they are allowed to have big feelings and emotions around your boundary but it remains.
  4. Address Daytime Needs: Ensure your toddler is engaged in age-appropriate physical and mental activities during the day to promote better sleep at night. Be sure to build up their sleep pressure, and most importantly CONNECTION time is key. They want your attention and connection.
  5. Sleep Environment: Is it time for a little night light on and the door open a tad? From 2 years of age some light either streaming into their room or a night light is totally age appropriate.
  6. Patience and Reassurance: Offer reassurance and comfort if your child wakes during the night. Toddlers may seek comfort from parents due to developmental changes or fears.

I'm here to support you through this phase and answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out for further assistance or to have a chat about ways in which we can best help. Remember you don’t want to get caught up in trying everything and things getting hostile or confusing.

T xx

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