Baby + Newborn Sleep Tips from Facebook

Posted by Tara Mitchell on

A Collection of Baby Sleep Tips from The Gentle Sleep Specialist.

We have scrolled our feed to bring you a great selection of tips that have we have shared on Facebook. In this article (click to jump to):

Daycare + Sleep for Babies.

Keeping sleep on track when your little is in daycare. It's no secret sleep can be hit and miss when your child is at daycare. Some little ones may have learnt a different set of rules in daycare, they may even settle easier and sleep longer when in the care of others. Here are some ways you can combat daycare woes. Preparation is key. If things are rushed at home have a few meals prepared. This saves you time and means you can spend the time before bed together rather than stuck in the kitchen, and a reasonable bedtime is still possible. Provide input to staff as to what time your child is due for a nap. Overtired babies have a much harder time settling off to sleep. Communication means chances over tiredness can be avoided.
Kids playing in daycare. Sleep routine for babies of working parents Sleep routine for babies of working parents is so beneficial.
If your little one sleeps in a baby sleeping bag at home, ensure you provide one for daycare.You may also choose a familiar phrase or song to cue sleep is coming. Make sure you're on the same page as to how you want your baby to be settled. Discuss ways that work for both parties. In terms of settling to sleep the lesser role we can all play the better. Create a solid bedtime routine and soak your little one/s with attention before bed! Remove distractions so little one will feel they have spent a good amount of time with you and lessen the chance of them waking for that attention during the night. Hats off to all working Mums & Dads, you are superstars. I know it isn't easy. Read more...see our post on "Removing Bed Time Anxiety in your Baby or Toddler"

Baby swaddles + transitioning from swaddling your little one.

For many little ones their Moro reflex (startle reflex) has matured significantly by 3-4 months. This is a great time to look at un-swaddling. Here are some points to keep in mind when transitioning baby from a swaddle. /a> I usually recommend taking one arm out for around 4 days and then the second arm out after that. Swaddling can become a problematic sleep association if left for too long. The latest I would swaddle is 4.5 months. Long term swaddling with arms in is dangerous and unsustainable. Your little one should have the freedom to move around the cot and roll as required. Keeping their arms restricted long term isn't good for their development and safety.
Swaddle transition for babies - picture of baby in a swaddle Baby sleep tips when transitioning from the swaddle.
Don't be put off. It is very normal for your little one to have a few rougher nights when you first begin this process, hang in there. However if they are younger than the age mentioned you may have transitioned too soon. If your little one is overtired this transition will be harder. Little ones startle more and struggle to get into deeper sleep cycles when they are too tired. Ensure they've had a good rest prior to beginning. It will take time for your little one to learn to control their arms properly. Many people say they swaddled long term because their baby's arms flailed or hit themselves in the head. This isn't always the Moro reflex and will just take time and the opportunity for them to control their movements better. Allow them the time to settle into the new normal.
Get in touch for a Baby Sleep Consultation

My Tops Tips to help with settling baby in cot during the day.

EXPOSURE - Not enough exposure or opportunity from a young age – I encourage parents to give their little ones plenty of opportunity to sleep in their sleep space from a young age. Cuddles & having them sleep on you is adorable in the early days, it can get harder for them to sleep as easily as they get older. If they then aren’t used to sleeping in their cot making that change later can get tricky. So give them plenty of opportunity from the very beginning.
settling baby in cot during day sleeps One on one contact is beautiful so here are some tips for day naps in the cot.
OVERTIRED = WIRED - Overtired babies are much harder to settle. First nap of the day is a great starting point, they aren’t as overtired as they will be by nap 3 or 4. Make sure your little one isn’t overtired and begin from there. CONSISTENCY Commit to a period of time to get your baby used to this sleep change. This will mean more time at home to practice and setting up a strong structure in their awake time so that they will recognise sleep coming and adapt to the change. FAMILIARITY Use a phrase, song or even a little routine prior to naps to symbolise bedtime. KEY POINT Dozing on feeds will take babies appetite away for sleep. If they have spent a good portion of their “awake“ time drifting in and out, this will minimise sleep needs. Try keeping your babe more awake on their feed so they can have a good feed, short play or burp time and then into their bed. Do you have twins? Read our post on Tips for Settling Twins

Case Study - Before + After with a Baby Sleep Consult

Prior to four days ago Chloe woke up crying MULTIPLE times each night to be re settled with the dummy or by other means such as rocking. Short naps were the norm and things were only getting worse. 5 days ago Chloe didn't feed well and Mum had stopped car trips dreading the constant screaming that occurred. Her inability to feed and sleep well meant that when she was unsettled there was a general feeling of uncertainty as to what she needed at that time. She was caught in a seriously problematic snack feed and snack sleep cycle that lead meant to a very unsettled baby and worn out Mumma. The entire family was impacted by sleep deprivation.
baby-sleep-consultant-case-study Little Baby C. A happy little bub after her sleep consultation.
Some of the changes we made were
  • Keeping awake times short
  • Running a solid feed, play and sleep.
  • Focusing on keeping Chloe awake on feeds.
  • Creating a strong and effective bedtime routine.
Today and each day since we started Chloe's Mum has reported dramatic positive changes. From night two Chloe was sleeping 12 hours straight at night. Chloe has been a different baby on car trips. She is taking her bottles well without arching her back and fussiness, having good solid feeds. Chloe's brother is able to get much more one on one time with his Parents again. Within a few days her parents are able to walk into their room sing Chloe a song, pop her down and watch her settle off to sleep for the good quality rest little ones so crucially need. Great sleep is LIFE CHANGING Is your bub waking early? Read our post on Babies and Early Morning Waking Tips

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